Lawrence “Larry” Hunter
Sergeant E-5, U.S. Army
Born: June 15, 1947
Years Served:
1966 - 1969
Vietnam War
Larry was born on June 13, 1947 to MaeBell (Jamison) and William Hunter, Sr. He and his 10 siblings grew up on Spruce Street on Stamford’s West Side. Larry, the ninth of the eleven children and attended Stevens School, Colman and Rogers Junior High before graduating with the 100th graduating class of Stamford High School in 1965.
He joined the U.S. Army in 1966 and entered basic training in Fort Jackson, S.C. before deploying to Vietnam as an ammunition storage specialist. Close with his brothers, near the end of his tour, Larry drove to Quy Nhon to visit Lenny for just two hours. After safely serving one year in-country, Larry was transferred to Ulm, Germany, where he continued to serve until his honorable discharge in 1969 as a Buck Sergeant.
Larry is still in Stamford. Now a widower, he and his late wife Betty had three children and five grandchildren. He volunteers at the Bridgeport Veterans Food Pantry with his brother Lenny and is a member of the Faith Tabernacle Baptist Church, St. John’s Lodge #14 and Order of the Eastern Star, Dorcas Chapter #14.
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